A hearty welcome to everything "HAPPY THE MAN." Since the band decided to start making some new music in 2024 we thought it would be a good idea to update this site, which covers the band from inception in 1972 to the present. If you would like to explore the Reunion Site, which spans from 1999-2005, simply click on the white icon above and you will be taken to that site, which was created by the late Frank Wyatt. May he rest in peace. You may notice that the buttons directly to the left have the first names of the band members. As the bandmembers get back to me on updating their profles, I willl also update their profiles here. Please check them out, as they contain links and other interesting information about their current projects and activities.
Now that the band is active again and making new music, it is our hope that you might have some fun catching up here.

THE FINE PRINT: We tend to spend a lot of time and energy saving and posting reviews and feature articles - either in whole or in part – which we feel are relevant to Happy the Man. This is strictly for the education and amusement of our guests, fans and devoted followers. We realize that many of these articles are copyrighted. A high percentage of these articles are very old, and we have no idea how to contact the good folks for permission - as in many cases they are out of business or we have simply lost track of them. We have retained the author, publisher and copyright information from the original articles when we have it - and when we can find it, which is rare - and we will display it here when it is available. Sometimes we receive timely and relevant info via email - and from other sources, with no credits - but we may find it pertinent and we may choose to put it up anyways. If you see any reviews, features or articles on this web site for which we don't have the complete and proper credits, and you DO have the complete and proper credits, please email us here and we will update the credits immediately. This will insure that the relevant parties get their due. It is certainly not our intention to disrespect anyone. It is our humble and we suppose slightly arrogant opinion that we are providing a service to these good folks by posting the articles, and ultimately, increasing their exposure and readership. If for any reason, you see something on this website that belongs to you or your organization’s authorship pool and you don’t like it or for whatever reason - you don’t want it posted here - please advise us by email here and we will gladly and immediately take down any such reviews, features or articles. Thanks for reading this and we hope that you will enjoy your time here. For inquiries about the website click here.
If you would like to move to the current Happy the Man site, please click on the link below:

If you would like to move to the Reunion Website, please click on the link below:
